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Knox County Ohio Real Estate Information Archive

Sam Miller


Displaying blog entries 41-50 of 108

Mount Vernon Ohio Cape Cod For Sale or Trade

by Sam Miller

google map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus. Donec eu turpis. Ut lectus. Duis pharetra arcu sit amet sem tristique vulputate. Integer sagittis. Vestibulum iaculis mollis justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur scelerisque. Donec in augue sed orci bibendum posuere. Mauris luctus. Suspendisse urna ligula, ultrices in, egestas id, vehicula non, leo. Proin tincidunt felis eu risus. Mauris sollicitudin elementum diam. Integer lectus. Sed semper, dolor vel consequat adipiscing, velit dui pharetra tellus, vitae dictum neque nisl at lorem. Aenean in quam.

Phasellus malesuada lorem vitae orci. Pellentesque luctus. Aenean elit odio, posuere id, scelerisque at, fringilla in, libero. Sed et nulla quis pede porta mattis. Aenean ac ligula eget massa gravida sagittis. Phasellus varius, metus dictum semper condimentum, magna massa rutrum pede, eu tempus ipsum risus et magna. Donec dui. Donec non erat. Suspendisse consectetuer nibh ac purus. Duis mollis dolor sed felis. Aliquam commodo mauris porttitor nisl.

google map

Phasellus elementum. Proin lacinia sem vel lacus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus auctor lacus non dolor. In enim. Proin turpis. Nulla varius vulputate augue. Cras aliquam, sem eget tincidunt pellentesque, elit dolor tempus turpis, a lobortis urna est eget diam. Nulla mattis libero a elit. Nunc non nisi. Proin feugiat lorem quis erat. Nulla arcu. In placerat, massa eu vestibulum ullamcorper, neque dui gravida magna, in dapibus magna mauris in metus. Morbi eu odio id diam semper porttitor. Suspendisse et velit. Vestibulum eleifend turpis et tellus.

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google map

Mauris ligula ipsum, luctus sodales, tempus at, fermentum sit amet, velit. Morbi rutrum dapibus turpis. Donec porta, massa at condimentum pellentesque, nisl tellus scelerisque pede, sit amet rutrum orci libero et arcu. Cras vel eros id quam dapibus volutpat. Aliquam elementum, risus eget congue consectetuer, erat ipsum pellentesque nisl, nec mollis mauris nunc eu eros. In eu ipsum. Nullam ultricies malesuada lorem. Praesent ultricies. Nunc sagittis nibh at nulla. In blandit dui interdum mauris. Praesent vulputate bibendum est. Integer ullamcorper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas quis ligula. Phasellus rutrum blandit justo. Nunc varius nulla sit amet dui. Vivamus semper egestas risus. Sed lacinia, tellus non dictum tincidunt, tortor lacus laoreet quam, pulvinar gravida urna felis vel leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus. Donec eu turpis. Ut lectus. Duis pharetra arcu sit amet sem tristique vulputate. Integer sagittis. Vestibulum iaculis mollis justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur scelerisque. Donec in augue sed orci bibendum posuere. Mauris luctus. Suspendisse urna ligula, ultrices in, egestas id, vehicula non, leo. Proin tincidunt felis eu risus. Mauris sollicitudin elementum diam. Integer lectus. Sed semper, dolor vel consequat adipiscing, velit dui pharetra tellus, vitae dictum neque nisl at lorem. Aenean in quam.

Nam imperdiet ultrices nulla. Suspendisse accumsan est id ipsum.

Phasellus malesuada lorem vitae orci. Pellentesque luctus. Aenean elit odio, posuere id, scelerisque at, fringilla in, libero. Sed et nulla quis pede porta mattis. Aenean ac ligula eget massa gravida sagittis. Phasellus varius, metus dictum semper condimentum, magna massa rutrum pede, eu tempus ipsum risus et magna. Donec dui. Donec non erat. Suspendisse consectetuer nibh ac purus. Duis mollis dolor sed felis. Aliquam commodo mauris porttitor nisl.

Knox County Ohio Home Sales Report

by Sam Miller

The 1st quarter home sales statistics for the Knox County Ohio MLS are in and 55 home successfully sold and closed according to the local MLS.  During the exact same period in 2010 there were 70 homes that successfully sold.  Something to remember about 2010 is that the housing market last year was heavily driven by the government economic stimulus and the home buyer tax credit.  During the 1st quarter of 2011 the Knox County Ohio didn't experience any benefits from incentives yet our housing market was able to maintain over 78% of the total home sales of the prior year.  These home sales figures combined with a longer than normal snow and winter season are actually positive indicators that our local housing market may be headed to a partial recovery.  

As of today there are 405 residential homes for sale within Knox County Ohio according to the Knox County MLS.  This is a very interesting number because the average listing price of these homes is $156,705 yet the average sales price so far this year is only $100,158.  The lower than normal average sales price in Knox County Ohio is partially due to the amount of bank owned home sales that have already sold and closed this year.  Something that many people won't immediately realize is that the average home value HASN'T dropped to $100,158 in Knox County Ohio.  The average sales price of homes that SOLD during the first quarter is $100,158 and that is a big difference than saying the average price of Knox County Ohio homes is $100,158.  The reality is that so far this year the overall market values of Knox County Ohio homes really haven't changed all that much.  

If you're interested in making a move in 2011 I want you to know that all the members of the The Sam Miller Team can help you.  We have an automated system that integrates our MLS system into an html email link which enables you to receive all the newest Knox County Ohio homes and listing updates as they are entered into our Knox County MLS system.  Our system delivers listings so fast that in many cases you will be notified before other competing real estate agents even know these homes are for sale.  If you are tired of missing out on the best deals and you aren't already working with a real estate agent just take a minute and create your FREE personalized home search profile and the Knox County Ohio real estate listings will be sent directly to your email inbox compliments of The Sam Miller Team. 

Real Estate Agent to Agent Referrals

by Sam Miller

There are many real estate referral and agent referral website directories online but so many of them require that you pay an annual fee or a large referral fee for simply giving you access to their list of agents.  The entire idea of agent to agent referrals has always excited me so I thought today would be a great day to offer a free place for agents to list their service areas, websites and contact information for FREE.  Here's what we need you to include in the comments section below:

  • Your primary service area and please also list your county and state
  • Your name / team name and your website address including http://www.
  • Your contact information including company name, phone, email address
Here is an example:

  • Service Areas:  Mount Vernon, Ohio and Apple Valley Lake in Knox County Ohio
  • Sam Miller Real Estate Team
  • Office (740) 397-7800 or 1-800-282-9096,
Feel free to share this link with your real estate friends and you are welcome to copy and paste the link onto your Facebook page.  Let's do some agent to agent referral business together.

Sam Miller

Marketing in Columbus, Ohio

by Sam Miller

Columbus Real Estate Book Photo by Sam Miller

The little wire displays piled high with full-color images of beautiful homes have become a staple at supermarkets, shops, and community locations all over the country. It’s called The Real Estate Book, and their website and magazine are the leading voice on the best homes in town. So it makes sense that Realtors© make it a priority to advertise their homes on these shiny color pages.

But Sam Miller from Knox County Real Estate went one step further. Instead of restricting his information directly to Knox County, he branched out and advertised in Columbus Ohio’s Real Estate Book, looking for a wider audience. With over 20% of Sam's annual homes sales generated from buyers outside of Knox County, advertising in the neighboring communities just makes sense. Since then, Miller has been featured on the past two covers, both January and February; the only realtor in Knox County to do so. This has generated a tremendous amount of traffic to from interested outside buyers.

While other realtors are cutting their budgets back, Miller is capitalizing on more buzz by putting his homes directly in front of people in and out of the community. He is currently the only Realtor from Knox Country to advertise in Columbus Ohio’s Real Estate Book, and so far, it’s paying off and providing great information to interested buyers.

Knox County Ohio Population

by Sam Miller

Knox County Ohio is the geographic center of Ohio and is located within 40 miles of Columbus and Polaris, within 105 miles of Cleveland and within 154 miles of Cincinnati.  Knox County is also within 22 miles of Newark, Ohio and within 24 miles Lexington, Ohio.  

59,637 Knox County Ohio population   Knox County Ohio Map

27,415 Mount Veron Ohio population 

8,659 Fredericktown Ohio population 

6,188 Centerburg Ohio population 

5,564 Howard Ohio population 

3,417 Danville Ohio population

View available Knox County Ohio homes for sale

Ice in Knox County Ohio

by Sam Miller

Knox County and Central Ohio have experienced their first significant ice storm of the year.  Freezing rain started hitting our deck around 11 p.m. last night and it must have continued through most of the night because when I woke up this morning everything was covered in ice.  All of the local public schools are officially closed for the day and from what I saw on the television news channels this morning it looked like the majority of the Central Ohio schools have closed for the day as well.  

There is currently a serve weather alert and a winter storm warning in effect until 7 p.m. Wednesday night according to the Weather Channel.  Today we are expecting what is known as a "Wintry Mix" and freezing rain is expected again this evening.

If you are staying warm at home today and would love to make a move be sure to browse our available homes at

Knox County Ohio HUD Homes

by Sam Miller

Our real estate team has been getting a tremendous number of requests for Knox County Ohio bank owned homes and available Knox County Ohio HUD homes.  The interest has been so overwhelming for these types of homes that we created a specialized website called where you can register to receive bank owned homes and HUD homes by email.  As I was working on our HUD homes update for our clients and customers I thought that others might be interested in knowing the locations of the available HUD homes in Knox County Ohio.  Below is a screen captured image from the HUD website so you know this is current information as of 12-22-2010.  I have also created a a list of the available HUD listings below in text format which will be much easier to view if you are using a handheld device such as a smartphone or iPad.  

Knox County Ohio HUD Homes

  • Mount Vernon - 40 Columbus Road for $22,000
  • Mount Vernon - 201 Calhoon Street for $45,000
  • Mount Vernon - 531 Lower Green Valley Road for $45,000
  • Mount Vernon - 3555 Granville Road for $50,000
  • Mount Vernon - 400 Seventh Avenue for $57,000
  • Mount Vernon - 118 Ringold Street for $58,000
  • Mount Vernon - 4659 Devore Road for $68,000
  • Mount Vernon - 510 West Gambier Street for $63,000 is IN CONTRACT
  • Mount Vernon - 109 North Catherine Street just SOLD and Closed
  • Centerburg - 6219 Lock Road for $50,000
  • Fredericktown - 7181 Township Road 119 for $112,000
  • Danville - 204 South Richards Street for $52,000
  • Mount Vernon Ohio Bank Owned Home at 112 Clinton Road for $55,000.
You may also view our regularly updated inventory of available Knox County Ohio Bank Owned Homes that are listed by The Sam Miller Team.  We recommend that you bookmark this website link because we are adding new listings often in the current housing market.  

If you are interested in viewing any of these HUD homes or any other Knox County Ohio property that has exceptional value please contact our team at (740) 397-7800 or feel free to e-mail us at

Knox County Ohio November Homes Sales Report

by Sam Miller

The November Knox County Ohio home sales were down by more than 50% compared to November 2009 according to the Knox County MLS sales statistics.  This November there were only 20 residential Knox County Ohio home sales reported and in November 2009 there were 46 home sales for the same time period.  What is very interesting is that the average pricing of homes that SOLD this November was MUCH higher compared to the November 2009 home sales.  This November the average residential home sales price was $210,705 which is a significant increase in average sales price because November 2009 averaged only $113,830.  

Marketing Your Home While You Sleep

by Sam Miller

Sam Miller Real Estate Sign Comparison

Imagine the top photo was taken of your home while it's for sale with a real estate agent.  As you can see from the top photo...when a buyer drives by your home at night they won't have a clue your home is for sale.  Now consider that roughly 30 percent of all home buyers contact a real estate professional because of the real estate sign and you can see the obstacle that having an invisible real estate sign creates.  Daylight savings time just kicked in this month so it's dark when most people are driving to work and it's already dark before 5 p.m. so most people are also driving home in the dark.  Most people who work during the day will never notice your home during their commute to and from work.  Assuming they work 5 days a agent has lost over 70% of your signs effectiveness.  Remember, nobody can see your sign in the dark even with the headlights pointing straight at it from only 100 yards away.  As you can see in the photo...your signage is no longer an effective means of marketing your home after dark...or is it?  

The photo below is of my real estate sign with the headlights pointing at my sign from the same 100 yards away.  I don't need to sell you on the advantage of the additional exposure my real estate signs create because as you can see from the two photos the difference is like night and day.   You would think that most real estate agents would invest in special reflective real estate signs like mine.  The reality is that a VERY low percentage of agents invest in their own real estate signs.  Most traditional real estate brokerages provide their agents with a basic company real estate sign and by basic sign I mean a "non reflective" real estate sign.  Special reflective real estate signs definitely cost more money but at an added cost of less than $30 more per sign I think it is one of the best investments I can make.  If I can spend an extra $30 per sign and potentially double the marketing exposure of your home it sure seems like a wise investment to me.  

I'm Sam Miller and I want to be your Knox County Ohio real estate agent.

Knox County Ohio Real Estate Update

by Sam Miller


We are trying something a little different with our blog today...we are providing the Knox County Ohio real estate market update in video format.  Today's market update highlights 3 different topics:

  1. Foreclosure Moratorium and the potential good and bad a moratorium can create.
  2. Current fixed interest rates that are available for both 15 year and 30 year loans.
  3. We continue to maintain our level of business while many others are selling less.

Please let us know if you like the video blog concept and if enough of our visitors like it we might start adding short video updates to our text blogs.  And one final the very end of the video for some reason I ended up cutting off my office phone number so here is the complete number (740) 397-7800.  

Displaying blog entries 41-50 of 108


