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Knox County Ohio Real Estate Information Archive

Sam Miller


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Mount Vernon Ohio Water Park and Pool

by Sam Miller

2009 Hiawatha Water Park and Swimming Pool Season Pass Pricing For Residents

The following are special pricing for annual passes if purchased prior to May 1st, 2009. 

  • Household membership prior to May 1st:  $170.00
  • Individuals ages 6 through 59 resident prior to May 1st:  $75.00
  • Children ages 1 through 5 years old prior to May 1st:  $40:00
  • Senior citizens Ages 60 and over prior to May 1st:  $45.00
For more specific details feel free to contact (740) 393-9521 or call the seasonal number at (740) 393-0288.
Hiawatha Water Park and Pool
100 Sychar Road
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

David Knox Video Test

by Sam Miller


  google map to real pro systems

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus. Donec eu turpis. Ut lectus. Duis pharetra arcu sit amet sem tristique vulputate. Integer sagittis. Vestibulum iaculis mollis justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur scelerisque. Donec in augue sed orci bibendum posuere. Mauris luctus. Suspendisse urna ligula, ultrices in, egestas id, vehicula non, leo. Proin tincidunt felis eu risus. Mauris sollicitudin elementum diam. Integer lectus. Sed semper, dolor vel consequat adipiscing, velit dui pharetra tellus, vitae dictum neque nisl at lorem. Aenean in quam.

Phasellus elementum. Proin lacinia sem vel lacus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus auctor lacus non dolor. In enim. Proin turpis. Nulla varius vulputate augue. Cras aliquam, sem eget tincidunt pellentesque, elit dolor tempus turpis, a lobortis urna est eget diam. Nulla mattis libero a elit. Nunc non nisi. Proin feugiat lorem quis erat. Nulla arcu. In placerat, massa eu vestibulum ullamcorper, neque dui gravida magna, in dapibus magna mauris in metus. Morbi eu odio id diam semper porttitor. Suspendisse et velit. Vestibulum eleifend turpis et tellus.

Aenean risus est, mollis et, venenatis non, dapibus non, urna. Maecenas diam neque, interdum sit amet, scelerisque ut, congue in, sem. Cras lobortis risus id ante. Quisque dignissim, leo quis mollis feugiat, ligula sapien ullamcorper nisi, vitae semper sem lectus quis mi. Cras vehicula pede a nibh euismod dignissim. Sed dapibus enim vitae ipsum. Suspendisse vitae ligula sed nibh egestas volutpat. Nulla condimentum leo id elit. Mauris et est vel neque feugiat consectetuer. Aliquam nulla. Vestibulum lorem ligula, porttitor sed, consequat vel, euismod non, lacus. Pellentesque vulputate leo vitae purus. Etiam consequat mattis purus. Phasellus lorem. Donec urna ligula, scelerisque sit amet, ullamcorper ut, vehicula ut, dolor.

Mauris ligula ipsum, luctus sodales, tempus at, fermentum sit amet, velit. Morbi rutrum dapibus turpis. Donec porta, massa at condimentum pellentesque, nisl tellus scelerisque pede, sit amet rutrum orci libero et arcu. Cras vel eros id quam dapibus volutpat. Aliquam elementum, risus eget congue consectetuer, erat ipsum pellentesque nisl, nec mollis mauris nunc eu eros. In eu ipsum. Nullam ultricies malesuada lorem. Praesent ultricies. Nunc sagittis nibh at nulla. In blandit dui interdum mauris. Praesent vulputate bibendum est. Integer ullamcorper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas quis ligula. Phasellus rutrum blandit justo. Nunc varius nulla sit amet dui. Vivamus semper egestas risus. Sed lacinia, tellus non dictum tincidunt, tortor lacus laoreet quam, pulvinar gravida urna felis vel leo.

Nam imperdiet ultrices nulla. Suspendisse accumsan est id ipsum.

Phasellus malesuada lorem vitae orci. Pellentesque luctus. Aenean elit odio, posuere id, scelerisque at, fringilla in, libero. Sed et nulla quis pede porta mattis. Aenean ac ligula eget massa gravida sagittis. Phasellus varius, metus dictum semper condimentum, magna massa rutrum pede, eu tempus ipsum risus et magna. Donec dui. Donec non erat. Suspendisse consectetuer nibh ac purus. Duis mollis dolor sed felis. Aliquam commodo mauris porttitor nisl.


Knox County Ohio Home Sales for March 2009

by Sam Miller

The Knox County Ohio Board of Realtors and the Knox County MLS reported $3,427,750 in residential home sales within Knox County in March 2009.  There were 25 residential homes sale reported in March with an average sales price of $137,100.  The least expensive frame constructed home sold was $21,000 and the highest priced home sold in March sold for $429,000.  For comparison purposes in 2008 there were 36% more homes sold than this past March yet this March the average sales price was nearly $5,000 higher than in 2008.  The end result is fewer homes sold in March of 2009 yet the average sales price was higher.

During March there were 93 new listings added to the existing Knox County MLS.  The average listing price for March was $153,805 which is actually above average.  The total dollar volume in new home listings in Knox County that were added to the MLS in March was $14,303,909.  For comparison purposes there were only 59 residential new listings added in February and only 43 residential new listings added in January 2009.  As of today there are 360 residential homes on the market for sale in Knox County.  Based on the 25 homes that sold in Knox County in March 2009...there is over 14 months of active home listings or inventory currently on the market for sale.

Real Estate Conference

by Sam Miller

Top real estate agents around the world regularly turn to one man when they want to grow their real estate business and that man is Howard Brinton.  I have had the privilege of learning from Howard and his Star Power Network for nearly 20 years.  There hasn't been anyone or anything that has had more positive impact on my real estate career than Howard Brinton and his group of Stars.  

During the past couple of years I have witnessed many real estate professionals who have left the real estate industry because they didn't know how to adapt to the changes that were taking place in the economy.  During that same time my personal real estate business has remained strong and I continue to lead our Knox County Ohio real estate market for the 18th consecutive year.  I attribute my continued success to what I learn each year at the Annual Star Power Conference.  If you want to not only survive but thrive in this changing market you need to attend this years annual conference on July 29th through August 1st in Denver, Colorado.  

The Star Power Annual Conference is much more than a traditional real estate seminar. It goes beyond the typical high energy seminar experience because it offers top level breakout sessions on dozens of current topics which will help you overcome daily obstacles and challenges found during a normal day of selling real estate.  This year there will also be special round table and panel discussions relating to dealing with foreclosures, short sales and working with financially challenged clients and their lenders.  There has never been a better time to learn this information and to talk with other successful agents who are succeeding in this market.  

One of my main goals when I attend the Star Power Annual Conference is to talk with top real estate agents who are selling more homes than I am and find out what they are doing differently than I am.  Attending a Star Power Conference is a lot like winning a back stage pass and gaining access to some of the brightest minds in real estate.  I have already registered for the conference and I hope to see you in Denver.  For more details about Howard Brinton and Star Power visit GoStarPower and for conference details visit Star Power Annual Conference. 

Displaying blog entries 1-4 of 4


